Berg, 2003-03-19
CeBIT 2003: Interactive 3D technology for todays standard PC and Internet
Bitmanagement presented its 3D technology which is based on three standards
(MPEG-4, VRML and X3D/JAVA) on 3 partner booths.
4D-Vision GmbH
4D-Vision has developed screens based on flat panels (TFT / Plasma Displays). The screens provide a plurality of observers spatial impressions without additional viewing aids. Furthermore the observers have full freedom of movement.
Bitmanagement showed on these special screens the integration of video and interactive 3D objects in MPEG-4.
The application of product presentation chosen raised big attention at the audience, as the integrated product provides a real spatial depth impression. You find a link to 4D-Vision here.
Siemens AG
Siemens created a virtual shop. Shoppers walk around in the three-dimensional shop and look at the products from all angles. Additional information can be retrieved in the form of a video clip, and the price can be directly negotiated with the shop assistant in a video conference. Once the shopper decides to buy, the multi-media front end of Bitmanagement connects to the e-commerce or ERP-software and processes the transaction.
Fraunhofer Institut Medienkommunikation IMK
The major German research institut has developed a prototyp of a virtual speaker for the interactive TV. The 3D facial avatar at the interface of internet and TV will melt infoand edutainment. This application will also be further developed for the integrated 2D/3D Player of Bitmanagement.
Here you find the project link of Marilyn – Interactive Moderator.
Bitmanagement Software GmbH acts as provider of 3D technology for standardised and interactive 3D.
For your contact:
Norbert Böcker, Press and PR
Norbert Böcker
Bitmanagement Software GmbH
Oberlandstrasse 26
D-82335 Berg
Phone: +49 8151 97170-8
Cell: +49 (0)171 3337719
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