Customers: worldwide, as the software can be tested online and can be sold worldwide due to its ISO standard based geometry format and programming language. Sales focus of the interactive 3D rendering software is the area of CAD, GIS and GAMES.
After 10 years, Bitmanagement has in Q1/2013 directly about 375 customers (circa 50% international and including 75 academic institutes), who are often repeated business partners and partly integrators of an OEM version of “BS Contact” as visualization front end in their products. Via OEM-customers and resellers as well as via online-applications and test-downloads the number of users of the rendering software is in the millions.
Bitmanagement is focusing on the development of the 3D software und on request on creation of 3D models whereas our customers concentrate on the development of their application.
Following compilation gives an overview of customers and also shows the scope of usage of the software:
Automotive (e.g. Daimler), aerospace (e.g. EADS), equipment manufacturer (e.g. LockheedMartin), military, telecommunication (e.g. Deutsche Telekom),
entertainment (e.g. Telekom Italia), media (e.g. Bertelsmann), GIS (e.g. Geoscience Australia), building construction (e.g. Atkins),
digital factory (e.g. Siemens), construction (e.g. Shimizu), infrastructure (e.g. Hochtief), architecture (e.g. Aldinger&Wolf),
Science (Pennstate University), Research (e.g. Fraunhofer), 3D monitors (e.g. Tridelity), Augmented Reality (e.g. metaio), web 2.0 (e.g. PhucLeGia),
agency (e.g. easyraum), e-shoping (e.g. idées3com), cities (e.g. Vienna), transport companies (e.g. Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH),
real estate marketing (e.g. TrendImmo), retail (e.g. IKEA) or event-marketing (e.g. FC Schalke).