Bitmanagement 3D Software for geo data visualization gets certification from the US Navy / Broad interest for 3D viewer technology from Germany / Peter Schickel: “Boeing, Microsoft, Dassault and Lightworks among the interested visitors at the shared web3d booth in Los Angeles.
Peter Schickel CEO from Bitmanagement Software, Berg near Munich, Germany and Web3D board member received a very important message during the tech talk event in L.A., CA, which is organized each year at the Siggraph fair by the Web3D Consortium (Web3D). The US Navy announced that it has finally certified the 3D Viewer BS Contact Geo for their applications. This seal of approval enables Bitmanagement to be an accepted supplier for this military sector. BS Contact Geo which visualizes geo-referenced applications turned out to be a very fast viewer. Or more precisely: this viewer is nine times faster than comparable software.
More over also well known companies showed broad interest after presentation from Bitmanagment during the the Siggraph 2010 (July 25.- July 29) in L.A., CA. E.g. Boeing is interested in the city modelling technology, which has been demonstrated by Bitmanagement. Microsoft gathered information about a SDK for Smart-Phones. Dassault Systems (3ds) intends via its daughter company Spatial Corp. to integrate Bitmanagements viewer technology for its online CAD applications and Lightworks a successful computer graphic supplier will use the BS Contact Viewer for online based applications.
„Generally the trend was evident that also big companies increasingly consider the integration of our internet ready and interactive 3D visualization technology in their products and concepts what our customer focused portfolio of CAD, GIS and games segments is concerned. These segments come along more and more in addition to the ongoing hype applications like AR (augmented reality) and stereoscopy“, reports Peter Schickel also from the Siggraph 2010.
One issue in particular has been highly regarded at the Siggraph 2010 the up coming standard Web GL. Web GL will be the standard for hardware accelerated browser based 3D graphic. The basis of WebGL the Open GL (Open Graphics Library) has by now become OpenGL 4.1 (after 3.1 in 2009), according to an announcement at the fair. The interface is based on Open GL and will be developed by Khronos Group in the US, as well as by Mozilla, Google and AMD. OpenGL is a specification for a platform and language independent programming interface for developing 2D and 3D computer graphics.
With presentations on five different tech talk events and contributions to conferences as well as with an exhibition at the shared Web3D booth Bitmanagement as exhibitor could target for the fourth time a bigger circle of large companies as well as students who are interested in real time rendering technology. Because Bitmanagement is hiring developers specific C+++ programmers in order to broaden its portfolio, a number of constructive interviews already have been held with software specialists at Siggraph.
Your press contact
Norbert Böcker, Press and PR
Bitmanagement Software GmbH
Oberlandstrasse 26, D-82335 Berg
Tel.: 08151-97170-8
Mobile: 0171-3337719
About Bitmanagement Software GmbH
Bitmanagement is a provider of multimedia software with a focus on online interactive 3D visualization. The multimedia technology for 2D/3D, audio and video is realtime and Internetready. Based on the ISOstandard formats VRML/X3D, CityGML and COLLADA, MPEG-4 and Java, it allows an Interactive visualization of concepts and products.
Bitmanagement develops and markets a product portfolio of visualization software, which is composed of visualization software (BS Contact VRML / X3D, MPEG-4, Geo, Stereo and Mobile), documentation (BS SDK Package) for animation and different programming tools up to Workflow optimization such as BS Encrypt.
Bitmanagement was founded in 2002 by three former employees of the blaxxun interactive AG, Munich. The company achieved sales growth and positive result in 2008 and is "cash flow positive" in since its founding.
Bitmanagement is a board member of the "Web3D Consortium" (USA), which is responsible for the standardization and dissemination of 3D ISO standards for the Internet. Bitmanagement is simultaneously also a member of the" 3D Consortium "for the dissemination of stereoscopic visualization.
More information at: http://www.bitmanagement.com
Company Profile at: http://www.bitmanagement.de/de/company/profile
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