The BS Exporter for Blender supports animation of the following objects:
Animations in Blender can be created in one of three ways:
The speed, length, changes and properties of Blender can controlled and previewed inside Blender.
The speed of an animation can be controlled by changing the "Frs/sec" (frames per second) value on the "Anim" panel or in the "Timeline" window. "End" specifies the length (cycleInterval) of an animation.
Controlling speed, frames per second and animation length
Controlling speed, frames per second and animation length in the "Timeline" window
In the "IPO Curve Editor" you can modify and control your animations.
If you wish to export an animation as looped set "Curve > Extend Mode > Cyclic". The extend mode "Constant" will export animations
that are played only once.
The different IPO types depending on the objects of the scene
Set the animation "Cyclic" will export looped animations
Every IPO curve of a given property must have the same "extend mode" because VRML/X3D only has one general field to specify whether an animation is looped or not.
The VRML/X3D formats support keys and interpolators, but these have no exportable equivalent in Blender. However, within the exporter dialog you can specify the animation precision, which exports every nth frame as a key frame. So be sure your Blender key frames match your selected precision.
If an animation is shorter than the precision you specify, it will be exported as a linear animation with a start and an end key.
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