Prints multitouch related events to the console. Also prints mouse related events, so that one can examine
how consuming or not consuming multitouch events affects delivery of mouse events.
The file contais a few flags which controll whether the two kinds of touch events or the mouse events should
be printed, and wether the two kinds of touch events should be consumed or forwarded to other consumers
for processing.
field SFBool ShowTouchEvents TRUE field SFBool ShowTouchPoints TRUE field SFBool ShowMouseEvents TRUE # mouse move events are still not shown. field SFBool ConsumeTouchEvents FALSE field SFBool ConsumeTouchPoints FALSE
touchevents touch[0]: type<start> id<8> position<-0.178068 0.224719 0> clientPosition<787 345> touchpoints .type: "added" .affected: 0 .active: 0 .points[0]: type<added> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.178068 0.224719 0> clientPosition<787 345> tapCount<1> touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.172846 0.202247 0> clientPosition<792 355> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: 0 .active: 0 .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.172846 0.202247 0> clientPosition<792 355> tapCount<1> mousemove focus mousedown left mouse down mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.156136 0.11236 0> clientPosition<808 395> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: 0 .active: 0 .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.156136 0.11236 0> clientPosition<808 395> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.149869 0.0539325 0> clientPosition<814 421> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: 0 .active: 0 .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.149869 0.0539325 0> clientPosition<814 421> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.145692 0.0179775 0> clientPosition<818 437> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: 0 .active: 0 .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.145692 0.0179775 0> clientPosition<818 437> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.145692 0.0179775 0> clientPosition<818 437> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: 0 .active: 0 .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.145692 0.0179775 0> clientPosition<818 437> tapCount<1> touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.145692 0.0179775 0> clientPosition<818 437> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: 0 .active: 0 .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.145692 0.0179775 0> clientPosition<818 437> tapCount<1> touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.145692 0.0179775 0> clientPosition<818 437> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: 0 .active: 0 .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.145692 0.0179775 0> clientPosition<818 437> tapCount<1> touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: 0 .active: 0 .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> tapCount<1> touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> touch[1]: type<start> id<9> position<0.374413 -0.373034 0> clientPosition<1316 611> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: 0 .active: 0 .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> tapCount<1> touchpoints .type: "added" .affected: 1 .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<added> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.374413 -0.373034 0> clientPosition<1316 611> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.369191 -0.310112 0> clientPosition<1311 583> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.369191 -0.310112 0> clientPosition<1311 583> tapCount<1> touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.366057 -0.262921 0> clientPosition<1308 562> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.366057 -0.262921 0> clientPosition<1308 562> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.363969 -0.238202 0> clientPosition<1306 551> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.363969 -0.238202 0> clientPosition<1306 551> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.360836 -0.191011 0> clientPosition<1303 530> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.360836 -0.191011 0> clientPosition<1303 530> tapCount<1> touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.35248 -0.0988764 0> clientPosition<1295 489> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.35248 -0.0988764 0> clientPosition<1295 489> tapCount<1> touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.35248 -0.0988764 0> clientPosition<1295 489> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.144648 -0.00224721 0> clientPosition<819 446> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.35248 -0.0988764 0> clientPosition<1295 489> tapCount<1> touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.146736 -0.103371 0> clientPosition<817 491> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.348303 -0.0539326 0> clientPosition<1291 469> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.146736 -0.103371 0> clientPosition<817 491> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.348303 -0.0539326 0> clientPosition<1291 469> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.146736 -0.110112 0> clientPosition<817 494> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.337859 0.0359551 0> clientPosition<1281 429> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.146736 -0.110112 0> clientPosition<817 494> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.337859 0.0359551 0> clientPosition<1281 429> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.145692 -0.114607 0> clientPosition<818 496> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.331593 0.0764045 0> clientPosition<1275 411> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.145692 -0.114607 0> clientPosition<818 496> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.331593 0.0764045 0> clientPosition<1275 411> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.143603 -0.121348 0> clientPosition<820 499> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.315927 0.159551 0> clientPosition<1260 374> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.143603 -0.121348 0> clientPosition<820 499> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.315927 0.159551 0> clientPosition<1260 374> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.143603 -0.125843 0> clientPosition<820 501> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.298172 0.231461 0> clientPosition<1243 342> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.143603 -0.125843 0> clientPosition<820 501> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.298172 0.231461 0> clientPosition<1243 342> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.147781 -0.121348 0> clientPosition<816 499> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.282507 0.285393 0> clientPosition<1228 318> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.147781 -0.121348 0> clientPosition<816 499> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.282507 0.285393 0> clientPosition<1228 318> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.156136 -0.110112 0> clientPosition<808 494> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.271018 0.316854 0> clientPosition<1217 304> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.156136 -0.110112 0> clientPosition<808 494> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.271018 0.316854 0> clientPosition<1217 304> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.156136 -0.110112 0> clientPosition<808 494> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.271018 0.316854 0> clientPosition<1217 304> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.156136 -0.110112 0> clientPosition<808 494> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.271018 0.316854 0> clientPosition<1217 304> tapCount<1> touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.155091 -0.0988764 0> clientPosition<809 489> touch[1]: type<move> id<9> position<0.271018 0.316854 0> clientPosition<1217 304> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: [0, 1] .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.155091 -0.0988764 0> clientPosition<809 489> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.271018 0.316854 0> clientPosition<1217 304> tapCount<1> touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.155091 -0.0988764 0> clientPosition<809 489> touch[1]: type<end> id<9> position<0.271018 0.316854 0> clientPosition<1217 304> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: 0 .active: [0, 1] .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.155091 -0.0988764 0> clientPosition<809 489> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<> isActive<1> id<9> position<0.271018 0.316854 0> clientPosition<1217 304> tapCount<1> touchpoints .type: "removed" .affected: 1 .active: 0 .points[0]: type<> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.155091 -0.0988764 0> clientPosition<809 489> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<removed> isActive<0> id<9> position<0.271018 0.316854 0> clientPosition<1217 304> tapCount<1> mousemove touchevents touch[0]: type<move> id<8> position<-0.156136 -0.0966292 0> clientPosition<808 488> touchpoints .type: "moved" .affected: 0 .active: 0 .points[0]: type<moved> isActive<1> id<8> position<-0.156136 -0.0966292 0> clientPosition<808 488> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<> isActive<0> id<9> position<0.271018 0.316854 0> clientPosition<1217 304> tapCount<1> touchevents touch[0]: type<end> id<8> position<-0.156136 -0.0966292 0> clientPosition<808 488> touchpoints .type: "removed" .affected: 0 .active: [] .points[0]: type<removed> isActive<0> id<8> position<-0.156136 -0.0966292 0> clientPosition<808 488> tapCount<1> .points[1]: type<> isActive<0> id<9> position<0.271018 0.316854 0> clientPosition<1217 304> tapCount<1> mousemove mouseup left mouse up mousemove mousemove hitstatus hitstatus hitstatus